Web Mad Libs
The web mad libs applet allows
webmasters to add mad libs to their web site. This version includes a tagline at the
bottom of the applet mentioning this web site. For a version without the tagline, e-mail
Follow these steps to add the web trivia applet to your web page:
- Download (right-click or option-click and "save target as") the
MadLibsApplet.jar file.
- Download a sample mad lib file lethergo.txt file.
- Change the sample mad lib file following the example. Specifially, the first part of
the file lists the parts of speech each requested word should be, preceded by a number key and
seperated by a tilde. For example, if the first word should be a person's name, and the second should
be an adjective, the file should start out as:
1~Person's name~
This section is followed by a "***~" noting the story is coming up next. Add the story to the file
as plain text with two exceptions: replace the word from the story with "~number~" where number matches
the key for the word listed at the top of the file, and add "\n" wherever a new line is to be inserted.
- Upload the MadLibsApplet.jar and your mad lib text file to the web server.
- Include a modified version of the following code to your web page:
<applet code="MadlibsApplet.class" width=600 height=400 archive="MadLibsApplet.jar" codebase="http://**web address of
<param name="title" value="**Title to appear in the mad libs applet**">
<param name="dataurl" value="**The full URL of the mad lib text file**">
<param name="background" value="255, 255, 255">
<param name="foreground" value="0, 0, 0">
<param name="font" value="Times, plain, 14">
<param name="titlefont" value="Times, bold, 18">
(Note: background and foreground take r, g, b color values. font and titlefont expect
font name, style (plain, bold, or italic) and point size.)